While at first it pursues the 'compulsory' politically driven narrative of the alleged holocaust of 6 million Jews, later on the book reveals how in fact at the close of the war and just after, between 200,000 Germans, 99.5% of them provenly just civilians, including babies, were taken to former German-run camps and tortured, beaten, and starved to death in them, no doubt to provide 'holocaust photos' of dead victims who could then be deceptively and misleadingly posed as Jewish victims who had been allegedly tortured and killed by Germans.
Obvious propaganda photos showing alleged 'Japanese' torturing 'Chinese' are to be found in many places, likewise photos of Jews being abused, but no actual German or Japanese would foolishly really take such photos as documentary evidence in tbe first place, and nobody even if they had taken such photographs would then be daft enough to then leave them as evidence for advancing Allied armed forces to get hold of, as that would result in their own deaths of course.
Armed Jewish partisans and some Catholic Polish partisans took over many former German-run camps, surely all as part of some massively pre-arranged communist Jewish plan. British army officers were aware the inmates of camps being released had been instructed to propagate false tales of gas chambers having existed and so on, and the British officers gave instructions that these tales were obviously dishonest and that Jewish inmates found to be spreading such propaganda were to be ignored and even punished. Obviously, they are no longer being discouraged from making up their little stories.
Thank you for the details and the link. In my understanding, up to 1.5-2 million Germans, civilians from ages 8-80 were killed in French and American camps (lack of food, water, proper clothing, and sanitation), not even talking about the three-year-long artificial famine in Germany after the war. Oh, and some of the "eye-witnesses" were not even Jewish...
I have watched Helstorm a couple of times. My mother was from East Prussia and her mother had sense to send her and her slightly younger sister West io October 44 because of advancing Russian forces. I only talked about the war with my parents when my father was terminally ill, both young teenagers at start of war, mum just 11 and dad, two years older. She told me how she ducked and dived into ditches to avoid low flying shooting aircraft when sent out to find bread. At night, they went to sleep in haystacks to avoid Dutch red neckerchief partisans who snuck over to kill any German, particularly male and she witnessed a young male teacher at basic school set up for refugees in Westphalia, where they ended up after months of travelling, staying in many different places on route, getting body lice, feeding Polish POW on German manor house grounds where she slept in stables. The Pole murdered the manorhouse owner with a pitchfork through the throat. My mother, 15 or 16 at the time, said she was glad as he was a cruel monster. I brought lots of tears and headshaking to my mum and I realised I'd asked her to recall memories she'd rather forget. Not being anti anything here because war affects so many innocents, but why are we constantly reminded to never forget one aspect and brush others under the carpet?
Refreshing news of history not taught at schools...
And the (French/American) concentration camps for German civilians ensued...
Thankyou for that link, much real truth there.
You might find the book by the Jewish investigative journalist John Sack on aaargh books, An Eye For An Eye, very interesting.
While at first it pursues the 'compulsory' politically driven narrative of the alleged holocaust of 6 million Jews, later on the book reveals how in fact at the close of the war and just after, between 200,000 Germans, 99.5% of them provenly just civilians, including babies, were taken to former German-run camps and tortured, beaten, and starved to death in them, no doubt to provide 'holocaust photos' of dead victims who could then be deceptively and misleadingly posed as Jewish victims who had been allegedly tortured and killed by Germans.
Obvious propaganda photos showing alleged 'Japanese' torturing 'Chinese' are to be found in many places, likewise photos of Jews being abused, but no actual German or Japanese would foolishly really take such photos as documentary evidence in tbe first place, and nobody even if they had taken such photographs would then be daft enough to then leave them as evidence for advancing Allied armed forces to get hold of, as that would result in their own deaths of course.
Armed Jewish partisans and some Catholic Polish partisans took over many former German-run camps, surely all as part of some massively pre-arranged communist Jewish plan. British army officers were aware the inmates of camps being released had been instructed to propagate false tales of gas chambers having existed and so on, and the British officers gave instructions that these tales were obviously dishonest and that Jewish inmates found to be spreading such propaganda were to be ignored and even punished. Obviously, they are no longer being discouraged from making up their little stories.
Thank you for the details and the link. In my understanding, up to 1.5-2 million Germans, civilians from ages 8-80 were killed in French and American camps (lack of food, water, proper clothing, and sanitation), not even talking about the three-year-long artificial famine in Germany after the war. Oh, and some of the "eye-witnesses" were not even Jewish...
Ike wouldn't have done a thing like that, surely? 😳💩
No, he had his henchmen. :)
A noble person never dirties his hands with such a thing.
Thanks Ray. What an expose of such evil wickedness. Hidden history it is.
I have watched Helstorm a couple of times. My mother was from East Prussia and her mother had sense to send her and her slightly younger sister West io October 44 because of advancing Russian forces. I only talked about the war with my parents when my father was terminally ill, both young teenagers at start of war, mum just 11 and dad, two years older. She told me how she ducked and dived into ditches to avoid low flying shooting aircraft when sent out to find bread. At night, they went to sleep in haystacks to avoid Dutch red neckerchief partisans who snuck over to kill any German, particularly male and she witnessed a young male teacher at basic school set up for refugees in Westphalia, where they ended up after months of travelling, staying in many different places on route, getting body lice, feeding Polish POW on German manor house grounds where she slept in stables. The Pole murdered the manorhouse owner with a pitchfork through the throat. My mother, 15 or 16 at the time, said she was glad as he was a cruel monster. I brought lots of tears and headshaking to my mum and I realised I'd asked her to recall memories she'd rather forget. Not being anti anything here because war affects so many innocents, but why are we constantly reminded to never forget one aspect and brush others under the carpet?
sorry, forgot to say young teacher got shot in head in front of people.
Think I'm going to post that photo on my blog and substack, without narration nor comment of any kind... 🤔
Thanks MM. For sure not what their sacrifice was about.
It is just the same reason as the one in Ukraine today, simply arranged mass slaughter of white people by Jewish arrangement.
Why are these not hyperlinks? I ask because I can't copy and paste with what I use and miss so much.